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By Sr Teresa Hayward (RN, RM, Lactation consultant, infant and paediatric nutritionist, Baby sleep consultant)

As a Baby Sleep consultant, I find that there 10 tips really help newborns sleep better

Tip #1: Swaddle your newborn for sleep.

My years working in a NICU and then in private practice has taught me that newborns sleep best in a tight and cozy swaddle. That’s because a swaddle resembles the womb, which helps your baby feel safe and secure. It also dampens your baby’s startle reflex from waking them. So often moms tell us their baby doesn’t like to be swaddled. This is definitely incorrect and is usually about how you are swaddling. I never recommend a “straight jacket” swaddle but a swaddle that is tighter around abdomen and loose over arms, so they can still get their hands to their mouth if they want too. Swaddling your newborn for sleep can be the difference between them waking every 30min or getting a stretch of a few hours, always swaddle with a cotton or muslin blanket or a swaddle blanket, but never with Fleecy blankets, as this will cause baby to overheat

Tip #2: Invest in a baby carrier.

There will be days when your baby will only want to sleep ON you. There’s nothing wrong with holding your newborn while they nap. But that’s not always possible with older children, a mound of laundry to be washed, and errands to be run. This is where a baby carrier comes in super handy.

Wearing your baby gives them the closeness they need on fussy days when they wont nap without you. It will also allow you to get things done.

Tip #3: Use white noise.

Your newborn has just spent nine months in the womb, which is evidently a very noisy place, with her heart beating and tummy gurgling, not to mention all the outside noise! On days or nights when your baby is extra fussy or can’t seem to settle and fall asleep, crank up the white noise. The familiarity of this static noise has been proven to help babies fall asleep quicker. If you can find white noise with mom’s heart beating as well, that is an added bonus

Tip #4: Get a Haakaa breast pump.

This nifty contraption suctions onto one breast while your baby feeds on the other—no cords, buttons, or plugs to keep up with. You just plop it on and get a few mls of milk during each feed. You can quickly build up a breastmilk stash that your husband can bottle feed baby so so you can get a longer stretch of sleep. I do however not recommend this in the 1st 4wks, rather let your breastmilk establish itself properly before introducing a bottle.

Tip #5: Start tummy time.

It is recommended that we do Tummy time for 20min a day from birth. This is to help with muscle development in neck and upper body. But it also helps for winds or gas. A few minutes of tummy time morning and night helps baby to pass their gas easily, leading to better sleep. It also helps to prevent constipation.

Tip #6: Recruit help early on.

In the 1st few weeks after your newborn arrives, having someone over to hold the baby can be a lifesaver, but sometimes you do need to ask for help directly. I recommend setting up visiting hours when home as well, so you don’t have everyone arriving at once. Tell family and friends to please make an appointment to come and visit so as you can limit. Both you and baby need this. Also don’t feel bad to ask if they can pop into shop and pick up milk or a bit of shopping for you. Ask them for help. Another bonus is if they will help with bringing supper for you and dad.

Tip #7: Prevent day-night confusion.

I encourage parents to start this tip as soon as their baby is born. It’s an easy way to help babies start sleeping more at night, and less during the day, as soon as their body clock develops around 2-3 months old. The general rule is: keep daytime bright and busy and nighttime dark and quiet.

During the day, it’s okay for your newborn to nap in a light room. There is no need to silence your phone or hang a threatening note on your front door warning visitors to not ring the bell. Instead, your newborn can nap with the curtains open and normal daytime noises. Most newborns sleep fine this way.

When night-time comes, do the opposite. Keep your baby’s sleep environment dark all night. Use a dim night light for diaper changes and keep night waking’s boring. There is no need to play peek-a-boo at 3 a.m. or keep your baby’s mobile running all night. This helps your baby start to distinguish day from night and eventually leads to longer stretches of sleep at night.

Tip #8: Sleep coach your older kids before the new baby comes.

I get SO many messages from pregnant mamas frantic to sleep coach their toddler before the new baby arrives (in a week). The last thing they want is to be up all night with two little ones! Whether your two-year-old has recently started climbing into your bed or never got the hang of sleeping through the night—save yourself a little sanity and get them sleeping well before the new baby arrives. It’s the BEST gift you can give yourself. Any changes need to occur early in pregnancy. Something to consider here is also transitioning from cot to big bed or potty training.

Tip #9: Start a bedtime routine.

Bedtime routines have been proven to help babies fall asleep quicker and sleep longer stretches. They’re also a great way for parents to bond with their little ones every day.

Even if your newborn doesn’t go straight to sleep afterward (as they will when they’re a little older), it’s a nice way for parents to feel that the day is over. Many newborns have their longest stretch of sleep after the bedtime routine. Short and simple works best with young babies. A warm bath, infant massage, pajamas, and a feed are all your little one needs at this age.

Tip #10: Sleep on your husband’s side of the bed.

It turns out that, apparently, when you sleep on your husband’s side of the bed, you can’t hear the baby crying!

Jokes aside, there is some truth to this, as a little extra distance between a breastfeeding mama and her newborn can sometimes lessen night waking’s. The idea is that your newborn will wake when they’re hungry, and not just because they smell mom’s milk. It’s worth a try!

There you have it! My top 10 tips for helping newborns get some sleep and moms save some sanity. Make sure you give each tip a try. You never know which will become your top tip you share with other moms-to-be!

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