By Sr Teresa Hayward (RN, RM, Lactation consultant, Infant & Paediatric Nutritionist, Baby Sleep Consultant)
I get asked by parents all the time about how to get their babies to nap better. Their babies sleep badly during the day, and this flows on to nighttime. What I see in my practice, is that most nighttime problems are due to nap problems.
We have the occasional baby that sleeps relatively well at night, but fights daytime naps.
If your baby is fighting their daytime naps, she won’t be getting enough rest. This doesn’t just affect nighttime sleep, but also affects feeding and general behaviour during the day.
Your baby is showing all the cues of being tired, such as yawning, rubbing eyes and fussing, is exhausted, but won’t go down for a nap.
If your baby is fighting naps and bedtime, then you need help. The benefits of quality sleep, including regular naps, are huge. Poor sleep affects baby’s mood, not to mention her health and development.
Sleep coaching for naps offers a solution if your baby isn’t napping well, refuses to nap unless she’s held or is resisting naps altogether.
What is sleep coaching?
Sleep coaching is a term for a gentle routine orientated approach designed to help babies from 3months to get into a better routine to sleep.
The benefits outweigh the downsides as there aren’t any risks. Sleep coaching has no adverse long-term effects like sleep training can.
Is sleep coaching for naps possible?
Yes, it is. And it really is a must try.
Naps are optional for adults, but not for babies. Not only are they critical for their development, but they also help them to sufficient, good quality nighttime sleep and are needed for them to get the amount of overall sleep they need in a 24hr period.
Most babies don’t sleep through the night until they are over 6months, and even then, sleeping through may only be 6-8hrs, so naps are vital to make up the deficit.
If your baby is struggling to nap during the day, you need to teach them how to get more daytime sleep by sleep coaching, for both her health and your sanity.
Tips for sleep coaching for naps
Sleep coaching your baby will help to go to sleep faster, wake up less and nap more regularly, it is called coaching for a reason, and you as parents need to invest a little time and effort, and perseverance as it doesn’t work straight away.
· Know the cues of tiredness – you need to know the early and late cues. If you are waiting for them to rub their eyes, get cranky or cry, you have already missed the window. Look for the following signs and then start looking to get them to sleep
- Kicking and bicycling their leg
- Arching back
- Waving arms around with their hands open wide
- Staring off into space
- Hiccups and sneezing
- Doing the tongue thrust – poking tongue in and out
Even if they have just woken up, this is the moment to put her down. It can be that she didn’t finish her sleep cycle, and something woke her up, and she is still tired
· Keep a nap schedule – watching their awake time is so important and keep to that. If they start to show sleep cues before time, then try to get them to sleep then, however if they aren’t showing cues, but its time, then try to get them to sleep. By waiting for the cues first, you may miss your window.
Naptime should be a quiet time, free of distractions, away from the hub of the activity. At nap time, take them to their sleep environment and get them to sleep there.
· Make her comfortable – Make sure that they have a dry nappy and aren’t likely to be hungry. Also ensure they are dressed comfortably – do not put them down to sleep in uncomfortable clothes such as jeans or dresses. Ensure they are not wearing fleecy outfits and no outfits with hoods or beanies. Make sure they are not too hot or too cold. Never wrap in thick fleecy blankets, use these as a layer over them. The room does not need to be dark but should be quiet.
· Don’t react to every noise – if the makes noise, gurgle, squirm or even cry during their nap, don’t react straight away. They may be able to go back to sleep. By you reacting straight away, you may disturb them and wake them up. If they really start to cry, then go to them but don’t pick them up straight away, try and get them back to sleep without picking them up first
· Set the right mood – keep the environment quiet but not necessarily dark. White noise often helps as well.
· Be active between naps - this is the ideal time for your baby to be active and be stimulated. Ample playtime, especially on the play mat, with toys will help to tire her out. Also, if you need to make a trip out, this is the time to be doing it.
· Decode their cries – there will be some cries that signal actual distress, while there are others that are her way of trying to get your attention. Tune into the difference.
· Be consistent with your sleep coaching – Don’t be tempted to give up and say this isn’t working and resort to old habits. It takes perseverance.
Benefits of sleep coaching for naps
Babies can’t get all the sleep they need from their night time sleep, and sleep coaching will help them to nap, which is crucial for their health and wellbeing.
· Protects their health – daytime naps help make up nighttime deficits, allowing baby to get the amount of sleep they need in a 24hr period, help her sleep longer and more soundly and promote emotional and mental functioning. Naps also benefit baby’s physical development, and support their immune, endocrine and heart health.
· Promotes parental well-being – in addition to the benefits of sleep coaching for babies, healthy sleep seems good for Mom and Dad too. It improves parental moods and relationship satisfaction and may reduce stress and depression.
When can you start sleep coaching your baby for naps?
No matter how much you would like your newborn to sleep, it is not recommended to sleep coach until they are 4months. Before that we can look at getting baby into a better sleep routine, but we don’t actively sleep coach. A younger baby is not developmentally ready.
Sleep coaching is an effective way to help your baby to nap, but its not one size fits all. We will assess every baby, family, and routine individually.
For assistance with your babies sleep and naps, feel free to contact me to book an appointment to help get your baby into a better sleep routine