By Sr Teresa Hayward (RN, RM, Lactation consultant, Infant & Paediatric Nutritionist, Baby Sleep Consultant)
Encouraging Weight Gain in the Breastfed Baby
Many breastfeeding mothers question whether they have a low milk supply. Because their baby seems to be crying all the time, they assume that it has to do with not making enough breastmilk.
If you find yourself thinking similar thoughts, start keeping track of your baby’s wet and dirty nappies and contact a lactation consultant who can help you figure out what the problem really is. If it is low milk supply, rest assured that there are many ways to build your supply and help your baby gain weight.
Check Baby's Latch
One of the most common reasons for a breastfed baby's slow weight gain or an issue with low milk supply has to do with improper latch.1 If a baby is latched improperly, not only is it quite likely to cause discomfort for mom, it will also fail to stimulate greater milk production. Nippleshields can also cause milk supply to decrease
Breastfeed Often
Though the adage "never wake a sleeping baby" seems to be great advice, not so for the baby and mom dealing with low milk supply. Breastmilk production is all about the law of supply and demand.
The more often you are putting baby to the breast and sufficiently emptying the breast, the more milk you will produce.
Cluster feeding, a breastfeeding pattern where baby cries to be fed very often for a block of time, can also be extremely helpful to build your milk supply.
So exactly how often? Breastfeed every two to three hours if it is certain that weight gain or low milk supply is a problem. Once your lactation consultant feels the baby has achieved a solid weight gaining pattern, you can switch to feeding on-demand, so two to four hourly.
Use Breast Compressions
Breast compressions refer to a technique where the mother helps sustain the flow of milk when the baby is sucking and not drinking. Here are the simplified instructions.
While the baby is drinking milk, hold your breast with the thumb on the top and the other fingers on the bottom. Gently squeeze your breast when you notice your baby is only sucking but not drinking or swallowing milk.
Drain the Breast Before Switching Sides
Switching back and forth between breasts during feeding can deter your milk production. If you're suffering from low milk supply, keep your baby at the first breast long enough to drain it of milk. At that point, switch to the other breast only if baby seems to be still hungry. Start feeding your baby at the opposite breast at the start of the next feeding. An average feed should be 20 to 30minutes
Pump Following Feedings
Another way to help build low milk supply is to use a breast pump to express milk immediately after your baby has finished nursing. Whenever possible, I recommend that you try to pump immediately after your baby has breastfed, day and night.
After the final drops of milk are pumped from your breast, continue to pump for about two more minutes to make sure you've expressed all the milk you can. This will help to empty the breasts sufficiently, which will trigger your body to produce more milk at subsequent feedings. The term "empty" is a little bit misleading, however, as there will always be trace amounts of milk left in the breast.
Nourish Your Own Body
Bottom line—if you aren't feeding your own body adequately, it's going to make it much harder for you to satisfy your own baby's nutritional needs.
Getting an appropriate amount of calories a day (roughly 1800 calories per day) and drinking to satisfy your thirst is very important for your health and for the sake of your milk supply. You should be drinking about 2-3L per day
It's important to stay hydrated but there is no set amount of water that everyone who breastfeeds should consume. Fluids other than water also help keep you hydrated.
Reduce Alcohol Consumption
While alcohol can be relaxing for some people, drinking alcohol can reduce milk supply. So although the occasional alcoholic beverage is safe for the breastfeeding relationship, for moms with supply issues it is simply not a good idea.
Check Medications for Side Effects
Sometimes a supply issue has to do with a side effect of a medication you are taking. Birth control pills and cold or allergy medicines may reduce milk supply. Check with your Lactation consultant or pharmacist to see if any of the medications you are taking could be causing your low milk supply.
Consider Medications to Boost Supply
When all of the above steps have been taken and milk supply remains low or weight gain is still insufficient, talk to your lactation consultant about medications or herbal supplements that may help boost supply. Be sure to research any medications or supplements offered.
Some medications do have side effects, and there simply is not a good body of research on the benefits of herbal supplements for increasing supply. Both should be used by informed mothers. Don’t just start taking Medications prescribed by your doctor or paed to increase milk supply, rather chat with your Lactation consultant and try other options first. Medications should always be a last resort, and not the first option
If you do opt for medication or supplements, keep in mind that these medications work best when you are breastfeeding or pumping frequently. It all goes back to that law of supply an demand. The more your body is stimulated, the more milk you will produce.
Always contact a Lactation consultant if you have or think you have low milk supply. Never take advice from someone that isn't a Lactation consultant.
Contact Sr Teresa at 0824009501