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Updated: May 15, 2022



By Sr Teresa Hayward (RN, RM, Lactation consultant, Infant & Paediatric Nutritionist, Baby Sleep Consultant)

Every parent wants a good night sleep for themselves as well as for their baby and they Crying out or Controlled Crying Method is not the way to go.

There is nothing controlled about the crying, its a term we're adding on to make us feel better as parents that we are doing something about our child sleep. You cannot sleep train a baby as much as you can bath a cat.

Firstly, it is unnatural. It is a way of controlling and manipulating your baby to fit into the parents’ schedule. It sees the baby as an inconvenience that ruins the lives of the parents.

It is not good for the baby physically.

"increases the babies heart rate and blood pressure."

Some of the Negative Side Effects

The Cry Out Method increases the babies heart rate and blood pressure which can cause increased pressure in the brain, meaning that poorly oxygenated blood is circulated to lungs increasing the risk of cot death (SIDS). A further list of the negative side affect's are:

  • It can also cause brain bleeds

  • It increases cortisol levels which leads to:

  • Reduced brain growth and cell death

  • Damage to memory storing cells

  • Damage to infants’ immune system

  • Cortisol levels remain high which indicates that the baby has not settled but given up

  • Increases glucose expenditure

  • Causes gastric distension and vomiting

A baby feels safe and loved when some consistently responds to their cries. If a mother does not respond to his cries, the baby feels abandoned. Your baby trusts you, the parent, the most in the world. They trust that you will always come when they all and when they need you. This method teaches your baby that you cannot be trusted to always be there for them.

Being left to cry does not teach a baby anything except that a parent can desert him when he needs them.

Research has proven that Crying out sleep training may contribute to attachment issues, which in turn lead to problems with relationships later in life. My method of sleep coaching

No age is too young to start developing a good sleep routine. The earlier you do it, the easier it will be for both you and baby. I aim to have babies in a food sleep routine by 4months

The coaching I do is not to leave them to cry. I offer a practical, no nonsense approach to establish good sleep habits and solving sleep problems.

I will go through various sleep strategies to suit different parenting styles and infant temperaments.

The approach is parent and baby friendly and shows parents how to get their baby to sleep without “leaving them to cry it

Sleep coaching can be done from birth to ensure parents are on the right track right up to 3yrs old. It can also be done during Pregnancy to ensure parents start off correctly.

A sleep consult is 1 hour and cost R400

A consult can be done in person or via email. For more information or set up an appointment, contact me at 0824009501/

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