By Sr Teresa Hayward (RN,RM, Lactation consultant, Infant & Paediatric Nutritionist, Baby Sleep consultant)
Crying is normal! It is your babies only way to communicate with you other than body language.
Babies don’t just cry because they are hungry or uncomfortable. Crying is not a symptom of cramps or reflux. It is a sign of frustration. Before feeding and medicating your baby, try and assess whether baby is actually hungry or actually has reflux, cramps or winds
Baby’s organs are very immature when they are born and still need to mature. The reason babies struggle with cramps, colic, constipation, reflux etc is because their gut is immature and only really matures by 3months. Their little tummy does sound like a washing machine in the 1st 6wks. This is because a baby’s tummy all of a sudden has milk in it that is has to digest so is working overtime to do this. IT IS NOT WINDS!
A lot of babies become jaundiced after birth. This is called Neonatal Jaundice and is due to an immature Liver. Avoid Medications containing alcohol. Baby’s livers are so immature so you can imagine how hung over your baby must feel all the time.
Something else to remember with Alcohol and babies is it causes reflux but more importantly sedates a baby as well as suppresses their respiration. You are putting your baby are risk of cot death.
Here are the reasons babies cry
1. DISCOMFORT – all babies with discomfort pull their legs into themselves. It is a reflex to discomfort. Not a sign of cramps.
· Cramps, reflux, constipation and winds
· Too hot or too cold
· Wet or Dirty nappy
· Teething
· General pain eg bruise from vaccinations site
· General illness
2. HUNGER – it is important that moms know the signs of hunger. A baby that is awake and crying is not necessary hungry
3. LONELY – babies get lonely too. It does not make them naughty or spoilt. For 9months during pregnancy, your baby never left you at all. They were literally attached to you. Just because the cord is cut does not mean that baby must all of a sudden be alone. They want their mom.
4. OVERSTIMULATED/OVERTIRED – knowing these cues will also help you to be able to help your baby.
Reflux: * pull legs into themselves * arch the top half of their body back * make swallowing movements * pull their face as though there is a bitter taste * are unhappy most of the day but often settles at night. * do not sleep well when flat and like to be upright or in the arms
Cramps: * pull legs into themselves * pull the top half of body in * do not pull their faces except to scream * are unhappy after feeds for a short period * Colic only scream for 3hrs of the day * generally sleep well
Medications such as Bennetts, Telament, Behoedmidel etc will cause reflux or worsen it as they all contain alcohol.
Putting your baby on a Probiotic will help.
With winds, always remember that a baby that is farting is passing wind. They then don't need to burp. Breastfed babies will fart rather than burp. Babies don't always have a wind!
Overstimulated/overtired baby: * stretch legs out and often bicycle * top half of body arches back * stick tongue out (tongue thrusting) - not winds * hiccups, yawning and sneezing * gaze aversion or focusing on 1 object for a fixed time * waving their hands with fingers splayed * crying
Watching your babies awake time for their age and their signs of tiredness will help you to cope with this
Don’t go straight for Medications, there are so many things you can do to help your baby and I am here to help with that. I don’t believe in Medicating a baby unless totally necessary. If your baby is struggling with reflux, cramps, winds, or constipation, these are all related to babies feeding. Before medicating, have the feeding assessed. If after adjusting feeding, baby is still struggling, then as last resort, going for medications is ok. There are times where babies definitely need medications, but always try and avoid first.
Something to remember is, just because a Medication is designed for a baby and can be bought over the counter does not mean it is the best or safest option for your baby. Think before medicating. Are you giving the medication for your babies benefit or for yours.
All your baby wants is your love. Shower them with lots of tender loving care and enjoy them. You cannot spoil a baby.
Feel free to contact me and I will help you without Medicating your baby. I charge R350 for a 30min consult. SR TERESA HAYWARD 0824009501