By Sr Teresa Hayward (RN, RM, Lactation consultant, Infant & Paediatric Nutritionist, Baby Sleep Consultant)
Parents hear more and more about the benefits of probiotics and how we should introduce them to our babies from a young But what are probiotics? What do they do? How can they improve our baby’s health?
What are probiotics?
Probiotics are the good bacteria and yeasts that already live in your body that support good gut health.
What do probiotics do?
Probiotics are live microorganisms known to be good for you and your health because they have been shown to help prevent and treat some illnesses. They are great for your digestive system, support a healthy immune system, in young babies help to mature the gut, and so much more.
How can probiotics improve my baby’s health?
It wasn’t until recently that the buzz around probiotics had people wanting to learn more. Quite a few have helped cement our understanding of the benefits of probiotics and the importance of a balanced gut microbiome.
1. Digestive System
Babies’ tummies can experience a lot. They could have reflux, cramps, constipation, colic, gas issues, or other digestive issues. It’s miserable watching your baby uncomfortable and feeling like there is nothing you can do about it to help them feel better. Having good gut flora and the proper balance of gut bacteria can help, treat, and even prevent many of these issues.
Not only that, that babies who take or eat foods with probiotics have fewer experiences of colic and shorter crying spells due to experiencing less upset stomachs. I think all parents want that for their children! Breastmilk contains natural probiotics, and some formulas now contain Probiotics
2. Immune System
It feels like whatever germs there are—in the air, in the house, wherever—baby picks them up. And we all know that having a sick baby is the absolute worst.
70% of out immune system resides in our gut! What does that mean? It means that having good gut bacteria and a healthy digestive system also leads to a healthier and stronger immune system for baby. It also means that if baby is introduced to probiotics, he will be less likely to catch colds, the flu, and other illnesses.
Additionally, the consumption of the Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium strains have proven to reduce certain acute respiratory symptoms (like catching a cold or experiencing allergies). These again are found in breastmilk and some formulas
3. Weight Issues
When there is a gut flora imbalance, it leads to excessive weight gain, insulin resistance, diabetes, and fatty liver disease. This is a major reason why more parents are beginning to introduce probiotics to babies. It’s not just for the short-term benefits but also the long term since it can impact their weight and overall health as a child and as they grow.
4. Skin Issues
Another reason parents have been introducing probiotics to their babies is to help with different skin issues, such as rashes, eczema, baby acne, and cradle cap . Sub-optimal gut flora contributes to the skin being less efficient as a protective organ and more susceptible to inflammation and infection. Baby skin issues are caused by imbalanced gut flora.
How can I introduce probiotics to my baby and kids?
After all of this research, it’s a no-brainer that probiotics are great for babies and us. We now know how important gut health is, but how can we provide probiotics to our babies to make sure that they have healthy gut flora?
When babies are younger than 6 months old, breastfeeding is the best way to add probiotics to their diet. Breastmilk is amazing and helps keep baby’s gut lining intact, sealed, and healthy. And of course, what you eat is important, so make sure that you’re eating foods that are rich in probiotics such as kefir, yoghurt, dark chocolate sauerkraut, pickles, miso, etc. This will not only help you and your health, but it will also help your milk and your baby. Where moms are not able to breastfeed, ensuring that the formula your baby is on has probiotics in it
We also recommend giving additional probiotics to babies as well
Babies (6 months+) and Kids
Yogurt is a delicious and excellent choice for probiotics!
The bottom line on probiotics…
For a healthier you and healthier baby, you can do something so simple–ensure everyone is having probioitcs! With all of the benefits that we’ve found about probiotics, it’s a no-brainer.