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What is a fever and how do you manage it

By Sr Teresa Hayward (RN, RM, Lactation consultant, Infant & Paediatric Nutritionist, Baby Sleep Consultant)

Fever is one of the most frequently cited reasons parents seek medical help for their children.

A high temperature or a fever is a symptom of inflammation or infection (hence teething they have inflammation of the gums). It should however never be ignored. A fever may be due to a bacterial or viral infection

A normal temperature is between 35.8 and 37.3 degrees Celsius. This is with a normal thermometer under the arm, on the forehead or in the ear. A rectal or oral temperature is different, but this is not recommended in children. A fever is when the temperature is over 37.8 degrees Celsius.

It is recommended that a temperature be taken under the arm, in ear or on forehead depending on type of thermometer. Never rectally or in the mouth (rectally is only used in animals, it can damage the anal tissue and become traumatic) If under the arm always keep it there for 3min - most beeps at 1min which is meant for oral temperatures

Teething and immunizations can cause a fever, but it will never be higher than 38.3. Never ignore a temperature, especially over 38.3

How to lower a high temperature

Just like adults, babies, toddlers, and children can suffer fever or pain associated with a common cold and symptoms can include a sore throat, running nose, body aches and headaches, as well as with their vaccinations and teething.

If your baby is under 6wks old, they must be taken straight to the paediatrician or after hours to casualty. This is due to the fact that they are still too young for most medications and at this age it can be something serious.

If they are under 6months and the fever is higher than 37.8 degrees Celsius, you can give Paracetemol such as Calpol or Panado and then take baby to Dr within 12hrs if baby has not had Vaccinations within last 48hrs and temperature goes above 38.3 degrees Celsius. If, however the fever does not drop and continues to climb then take baby to Dr straight away. Within 30min to an hour the temperature should start to drop.

If baby is over 6months and they have a fever higher than 38 degrees Celsius, you can give Paracetemol and monitor. If it continues to climb or if it comes down and then goes back up again then baby needs to be seen by a Dr within 48hrs if it goes above 38,3 degrees Celsius. If at any time, the fever goes higher than 39, take baby to doctor within 24hrs

Once you have given medication, wait an hour and then retake. If it is still climbing, you need to contact your doctor. If it has dropped within normal limits, continue to monitor every 4hrs unless you feel the need to recheck. Paracetemol can be repeated every 4 to 6 hrs.

Other ways to bring down a fever:

It is important to remover layers, so take off all clothes and leave baby in a vest and nappy. Also remove excess blankets and just cover in a receiving blanket. Give baby a lukewarm bath or tepid sponge baby, do not use ice cold water though as this will bring temperature and heart rate down too rapidly. Never use alcohol to bring baby’s temperature down either.

Encourage your child to drink fluids regularly (breast milk is best for breastfeeding children)

If baby has been seen by a doctor and he has prescribed Antibiotics, remember it will take 48 hours for them to have an effect. Antibiotics are prescribed for Bacterial infections and not Viral infections.

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