By Sr Teresa Hayward (RN, RM, Lactation consultant, Infant & Paediatric Nutritionist, Baby Sleep consultant)
What is a Lactation Consultant and why is it important that every Breastfeeding mom sees one.
A lactation consultant is a certified health professional who specializes in breastfeeding issues. They can help parents and infants with issues like milk supply, sore nipples and breastfeeding positions.
A lactation consultant is different to someone who offers breastfeeding support, such as your hospital and clinic nurses.
Lactation consultants can help anyone — first-time parents, surrogate mothers or parents who've already breastfed several children. You can visit a lactation consultant while you are still pregnant, right after you give birth or several months into breastfeeding.
Breastfeeding is a personal decision; however, studies show that challenges such as painful nipples and milk supply are factors in a person's choice to stop breastfeeding. A lactation consultant is trained to work with infants and their parents to solve any feeding challenges they are experiencing and improve a parent's chances of breastfeeding for as long as they choose.
How can a lactation consultant help me?
Breastfeeding can be difficult — both emotionally and physically. Sometimes a lactation consultant's best quality is being a source of emotional support and encouragement. The first few weeks of your baby's life are the most important time for establishing breastfeeding. A lactation consultant will work with you and your baby to increase your chances of having a long and successful breastfeeding experience.
Some reasons you may make an appointment with a lactation consultant are:
You are pregnant and want to breastfeed
Your baby is between 3-7 days old
Breast engorgement.
Plugged ducts or breast infections like mastitis.
Sore, cracked or painful nipples.
Milk supply concerns.
Struggling with nursing positions.
Issues with latching, tongue-tie or sucking.
Your baby isn't gaining weight.
Pumping either once you return to work or for bottle feeding with breastmilk.
Your baby refusing the breast.
What will I learn from a lactation consultant?
A lactation consultant is specially trained and certified to help you with any problems or concerns you have related to breastfeeding your baby. They can offer reassurance and troubleshoot specific issues with you. Some things you can expect to learn from your lactation consultant are:
How to increase or maintain your milk supply.
Recognizing your baby's hunger cues.
Determining a feeding schedule.
Making sure your baby is latched properly.
Treatment for sore or cracked nipples.
Treatment for breast engorgement.
Finding the best breastfeeding position for you and your baby.
Making sure your baby is gaining weight.
Using your breast pump to express breastmilk.
What can I expect from my appointment with a lactation consultant?
A lactation consultant works with you to understand your goals for breastfeeding and helps you put together a plan, while also answering any questions you have. Lactation consultants work best when they can touch your breasts and nipples and see how your baby is latching.
You can expect your lactation consultant to:
A consult with you within the first few days of giving birth. This time is critical for establishing breastfeeding and for your baby's weight gain.
Review your health history, pregnancy, delivery and other important information about your baby's health.
Watch you breastfeed your baby, paying close attention to how your baby latches to your nipple. They will watch how your baby sucks, swallows and breathes as they feed.
Give pointers on positioning and how to become more comfortable breastfeeding.
Help you with your breast pump. A lactation consultant will look at your flange, the plastic piece that fits over your nipple. An improper fit can impact how much milk you pump.
Answer any questions you have and troubleshoot specific issues unique to you and your baby.
Teach you how to identify if your baby is getting enough breastmilk and gaining enough weight. These could be things like counting poopy and wet diapers or using a scale to weigh your baby before and after feedings.
How much does it cost to see a lactation consultant?
I charge R400 (cash) for a 60min consultation. Depending on the reason mom is seeing me, follow up consults may be 30min and R350 (cash)
A lot of Medical aids do cover Lactation consultations and I do submit directly to some of them
What are common questions to ask a lactation consultant?
Prepare a list of questions before your visit with a lactation consultant. Some questions may be unique to you and your baby; however, some common questions a lactation consultant is asked are:
How do I make my nipples feel better?
What is the best way to get my baby to latch?
What is the best position to breastfeed?
How do I increase my milk supply?
How do I know if my baby is eating enough?
How long should I feed on each breast?
Are you supportive of formula feeding if breastfeeding doesn't work?
If you are seeing a lactation consultant prior to giving birth, some questions to ask are:
How do I begin to breastfeed?
What are the best positions to breastfeed?
Does breastfeeding hurt?
What should I expect in the first few days?
How will I know if my baby is hungry?
How do I use my breast pump?
How will I know something is wrong?
Can you come to the hospital after my baby is born to help me?
Are you always available for questions?