By Sr Teresa Hayward (RN, RM, Lactation consultant, Infant & Paediatric nutritionist, Baby Sleep consultant)
Breastfeeding can be tough, especially those first few days and weeks, and sometimes even months.
Here are 19 Things Lactation Consultants Wish Moms Knew
1. It is normal for newborns to want to nurse all the time – they are determining you milk supply which is only established by 6wks. Feeding 2hrly is normal.
2. Breastfeeding is not supposed to hurt – if it ever hurts while you are breastfeeding, speak to a lactation consultant as soon as possible. There should be no pinching or pain. An incorrect latch is the cause of pain. This needs to be corrected to avoid blistering, bleeding, cracked nipples, and even infection and thrush
3. Its normal to have days where you want to give up. You’re not alone. Always remember, tomorrow is another day and it will get better
4. Be sure to stimulate your milk production within the 1st 24hrs of birth – it may take a while for you and baby to learn how to latch properly, but it is crucial to start stimulating milk production as soon after birth as possible.
Breastfeeding works on supply and demand. If you and your baby are not demanding that your breasts make more milk, your body will think that there is no need to make more milk. It will begin to make less and less and eventually stop producing any. Milk needs to be removed from your breasts for your breasts to work on filling them back up. So if your baby is having a difficult time latching in the beginning, you must continue to practice getting a good latch while still removing your milk another way. This way, you can help your body produce an adequate supply. Your baby’s saliva on the neve endings in your nipples is enough to stimulate milk production
Either way, getting a good latch can always be improved with proper guidance and practice. But there is no reversing time and making up for inadequate breast stimulation in those early hours and days.
5. The majority of moms will make enough milk for their babies if they nurse often enough. However, there are a small number of mothers that have low milk supply, and these women deserve positive and kind support. – don’t give up, there is a lot we can do to help low milk supply
6. Babies are not robots or little aliens – like us they will not eat at the same time or the same amount every time
7. You don’t need to drink milk to make milk, but you need an extra 500 to 600 calories a day plus 2-3 litres of fluids – you should be eating about 1800 calories a day
8. Find a lactation consultant who will give you positive support – if you feel your other health providers are not giving you support, or pushing towards formula, it may be you need to change. You need to surround yourself with positive people who will support you and encourage you, even when things are going well.
9. Get your husband/partner and family on board
10. Find a Lactation consultant who won’t judge you – find someone that makes you feel safe and supported, whether you are struggling and need help, or make the decision to formula feed
11. Everyone will have an opinion – only take the good ones and forget the bad ones. Remember you know your baby and body better than anyone else. Don’t allow anyone to plant a seed of doubt into your mind
12. It is never anyones place to judge a mom who chooses not to breastfeed. There are so many reasons why a mom might make this choice. And none of them reflect badly on her mothering or care of her baby
13. There are no silly questions when it comes to breastfeeding, or parenting for that matter – I encourage moms to ask the questions you have, don’t feel stupid. We don’t expect you to know everything. Contact a Lactation consultant and she will be able to answer all your breastfeeding questions correctly
14. How much you pump is not an indication of how much milk your baby get from the breast – most babies takes more than you will be able to pump
15. Tongue ties and lip ties can impact breastfeeding – ley your lactation consultant assess for you whether it is affecting your breastfeeding – they can be cause of poor latching, pain, reflux and a number of other problems
16. If you experience problems, go back to basics – most breastfeeding problems can be solved by starting over and keeping things simple. It doesn’t matter how old your baby is or if it is not your first baby, if you have a problem, contact a lactation consultant, and let her help you sort it out
17. Working and pumping moms deserve all the respect and love in the world, as do exclusively pumping moms.
18. Trust biology and trust your body and baby – don’t allow people to plant seeds of doubt into your mind. Your body was made to make milk. If your baby is weeing and pooing, your breasts feel softer after a feed, if baby is gaining weight and meeting developmental milestones, then your baby is getting enough milk
19. Breastfeeding is normal, intense and beautiful
The most important thing though is to feed your baby, how you choose to do that is your choice. Only you know what is best for you, your baby, and your family. You just need to know you can breastfeed if you want to, there is help out there if you need it, and you are not alone in your joy or your struggles, and you will get the support you need.